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Formative Assessment in Practice – Shaping Student Learning

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Domani avrà inizio il corso "Formative Assessment in Practice – Shaping Student Learning"

In this course, we will examine what formative assessment is, why it is important, and how it can be implemented in our classrooms. As part of the course, you will encounter examples of practice, discuss and interact with peers, and prepare a lesson plan for use in your teaching.

As a participant, you will:

  • Understand what formative assessment is
  • Understand why formative assessment can help student learning
  • Understand how formative assessment can help develop personalised learning
  • Be able to plan activities which incorporate formative assessment strategies
  • Be able to identify and use formative assessment tools
  • Make connections to other course participants
  •  Reflect about your own practice

This course is based on the work of the TeachUP project. You can follow it at your own pace; we will open one module at the beginning of each week, but the only deadlines you need to pay attention to are in the last module.

To get the most out of the course, you can join the Facebook group share your thoughts on Twitter using the hashtag #FormativeAssessment!

List of modules

Module 1: Formative Assessment

Start date: 16/03/2020 12:00

Module 2: Formative Assessment in Practice

Start date: 23/03/2020 12:00

Module 3: Formative Assessment in Your Classroom

Start date: 30/03/2020 12:00

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