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TESOL Italy's 40th National Convention "40... and Moving On..."

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Dear Colleagues,
I'm here forwarding in attachment the flyer of TESOL Italy's 40th National Convention, "40...and Moving On...", which will be held in Rome on November 13-14, 2015.
In the flyer you will find the following information:
1) a list of the speakers that will present a paper and titles of their presentations;
2) the pre-registration form and convention fees;
3) information on how to get to the convention site;
4) a list of hotels, B&Bs and religious guesthouses in the convention site area.
We're very pleased to inform you that for TESOL Italy’s 40th Anniversary Convention, NILE(Norwich Institute of Language Education) is offering the first prize in the TESOL Italy Raffle: a scholarship to a NILE teacher training course, either a face-to-face course in Norwich or Manchester or a NILE Online teacher training course,a practical, fully interactive tutor-led online course.
For further information and/or clarification, please contact TESOL Italy's central office in Rome or visit: http://tesolitaly.org/new/conventions/convention-2015/
Looking forward to seeing you at the Convention.
Best wishes,
Patrizia Petruccetti

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